We can do this entire process for you or you can do it yourself using our notarized translation.

 You must first get a certified translation that has been sign before a notary public. Next, for our translations. you take the notarized translation along with a copy of the document ) that has been translated  to the Court Clerk's Office downtown. Fortunately, the County Clerk's Office is open:

New York County Clerk
60 Center Street Room 141B (in the basement)
New York, NY 10007

Here for a $3 charge (check, debit or credit card) the signature of the notary is verified and you  are given a pink slip which is a slip of authenticity.

Unfortunately the Apostille Office downtown at 123 Williams Street is still closed with no information about any reopening. The only option is to obtain the Apostille by mail.

Print and fill out this Apostile request form and put it with your request. Payment information is on this form:

- your Apostlle Request form completed
- the notarized translation and pink slip obtained at the court clerk's office
- copy of original certificate
- means of payment (see Apostile Request form). It is $10 per Apostille.
- self-addressed stamped envelop

If using the US Post Office mail to:

New York State
Department of State
Division of Licensing Services
Apostille and Authentication Unit
P.O. Box 22001
Albany, NY 12201-2001

If using UPS or FedEX mail to:

NYS Department of State
Division of LIcensing Services
Apostille and Authentication Unit
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue, 6th floor
Albany, NY 12201-2001

Contact Us

A&R Translations
315 Madison Ave. Suite 3009
(Entrance on 42nd)
New York, NY 10017


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