for interpretation quote

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Any preliminary information you can provide us about your program, your group and the format of each meeting or segment will greatly help us determine how to best serve you. We are just interested in technical parameters (e.g. type and length of each meeting/session/segment, number of participants, number of speakers, etc.). Details about the specific content of your meetings can be provided later on, should you decide to use our services. Thank you in advance.

1.How many non-bilingual participants will there be in your group?

2. What will be the maximum number of non-bilingual participants in the room in any particular session (including your group)?

3. Is it possible to receive a copy of the preliminary program?

4. For each location/site used or visited, could you tell us if the session will be taking place:

a. in a meeting room/conference room? If yes, can you indicate if the room is small, medium or large? Will there be any projection of slides or videos? 

b. in an amphitheater? If yes, how many people does it seat? Will there be any projection of slides or videos? 

c. in a factory, store, lab, warehouse, restaurant or any unconventional meeting space? If yes, please specify.

5. Will any meeting/segment last for more than 30 minutes? If yes, how long will they be?

6. For each meeting, how many speakers are you planning to have, and how long will each speak, approximately?

7. Have most of the participants in your group already worked or not worked with interpreters

8. Will you need interpreters during lunch/dinner?

9. Will the voice of the interpreters be recorded at any time? If yes, could you briefly describe the purpose of the recording, as well as how it will be used and for how long?

10. Will there be any time where your group will be split in two and you will need an interpreter for each sub-group?

11. Are there any other aspects of your program or any need that you would like to mention?